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  • High Borrans 2019

    Thu 21 Feb 2019
    Year 6 arrived at school on Monday 11th February feeling excited and a little anxious at the prospect of spending the week at High Borrans in Windermere.  After a delayed departure (our coach went to the wrong St. Mary's school) we set off across the A69 on our adventure.  We arrived to glorious sunshine and Dave, our group leader, got us straight out and up Orrest Head so we could get a sense of the lake district environment and begin to see how it differs from our coastal location.  During the week we tested our determination, courage, resilience and indeed our friendships as we undertook new experiences and challenges underground, on the water and up a height.  Everyone embraced the opportunities, supported one another and worked well in teams to ensure that a fantastic week was had by all.  We had lots of laughter and some tears as we made amazing memories which we will carry with us for many years to come.  Mrs. Bland, Mr. Miley and Auntie Susan would like to say a huge thank you to the children for allowing us to share the week with them, it was a real privledge to be part of their week.  