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St Mary’s Catholic Primary School ‘Faith in Education’

Online Safety

Online Safety


Technologies today are developing rapidly which means that our children are open to new and exciting ways of communicating from a very early age. Sadly, with these new developments, comes greater vulnerability unless we ensure that we are fully aware of the measures we can take to keep our children safe.


Every child in St Mary’s is taught how to keep themselves safe online through our PSHE, RSE and Computing curriculums. These sessions are revisited and reinforced throughout the year to help them to realise the importance of the correct use of the internet and to introduce relevant developments.

At school we work hard to ensure that all of our technology is filtered and protected from unwanted risks. We cannot guarantee that this is 100% fool proof but we can ensure that any breeches of security will be dealt with in the appropriate manner and that our children know how to behave in such a scenario.


Many of the additional technologies our children come in contact with are those they only use outside school (mobile phones, games consoles, tablets etc) and therefore, to help parents to feel better equipped to support their children and to help to keep them safe at home and elsewhere, we have provided information about supporting online safety at home in the website links below and there are more in the Useful Links section of the Parents page. 

We believe that by working together to educate our children and take steps to filter harmful content using firewalls and parental controls we can minimise the risks our children may encounter.

We make every effort to ensure any On-line Safety information that is made available to school is shared with parents.  The link below will take you to our regular newsletters which contain this information. 

Clennell Education Solutions Safeguarding Consultancy delivered an On-line Safety workshop for parents as part of Internet Safety Day.

These are the slides from the presentation and an information sheet that they provided for parents which you may find useful. 

Links to Resources and Information you may find useful
