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St Mary’s Catholic Primary School ‘Faith in Education’

Social, Emotional, Mental Health (SEMH) and Wellbeing

At St Mary’s we promote an inclusive, restorative environment in which each individual is valued and respected. We have an ethos of setting high expectations of attainment for all pupils with consistently applied support, tailored to each individual child where needed. We recognise that all children and young people need a solid foundation of positive mental health to benefit fully from all of the opportunities that are available to them. We want our children to be resilient and mentally healthy, so that they can succeed.


At times, anyone may need additional support to maintain or develop good mental health. The mental health of children and young people, adults in schools, parents and carers and the wider whole school community will impact on all areas of a child's development, learning, achievement and experiences. As a staff team, we understand and recognise the risk factors and indicators that may signify that a child needs additional support with their Social, Emotional & Mental Health (SEMH) needs and we respond accordingly.


We were delighted to learn in July 2024 that following accreditation, Leeds Beckett University have awarded St Mary's Catholic Primary School the Carnegie Centre of Excellence for Mental Health in Schools ‘School Mental Health Award’ – Bronze​ Status in partnership with North East Combined Authority.

During their time at St Mary’s, some children may experience short but significant periods of high anxiety, stress, distress or anger that affect their education, whilst some children may have a range of longer-term recognised mental health conditions. Through high quality whole-class teaching during our PSHE lessons, we provide our children with inner resources that they can draw on as a buffer when negative or stressful things happen, which helps them to thrive even in the face of significant challenges.


To support our pupils, we have created some calm, chill out zones in school where children can go to self regulate and take some time out. They can also use these spaces for any therapy or interventions.


Where a child needs targeted SEMH intervention for a mental health problem, we provide interventions that use a graduated approach to inform a clear cycle of support. These include

* Friends Resilience

* Time to Talk

* Lego Therapy

* Communicate & Regulate


We also have our own  School Counsellor, who is able to support pupils on a 1-1 basis and who delivers sessions every Monday morning.


St Mary’s were also invited to take part in a long term project with the North Tyneside Connect Mental Health Support Team. They will be working with us to develop training, offer advice and support to parents and provide support to pupils in need. This work includes a trainee psychotherapist delivering CBT therapy in school to children who may need it.


At St. Mary’s, we also recognise that there can be a crossover between SEMH needs and SEND needs, to this end we always ensure that Mrs Miley the SENDCo and Mrs MacDonald the Senior Mental Health Lead meet together half termly to discuss needs across school and how best we can support pupils. Through working together and with staff and pupils, we have a graduated approach to supporting pupils.


Below is our statement of intent and our SEMH policy. We also value the wellbeing of all our staff and pupils which is outlined in our Wellbeing policy

For further information about our SEND offer please visit the SEND page of our website

For further information on support and advice on Mental Health and Wellbeing please visit the Parents Section on our website

Calm zones
