St Mary's Catholic Primary School is fortunate to benefit from the support of a dedicated, hardworking PTA. The PTA is a group of enthusiastic, supportive parents who meet periodically to organise social events for our school's pupils and their families to enjoy. The running of these events enables them to raise funds to support the school in improving provision and opportunities for our pupils. All parents are encouraged to join the PTA -to do this come along to one of our meetings and see what you can do to help contribute to the success of PTA events. Meeting dates and times are advertised to all parents via Parentmail and on posters around school.
Due to the recent COVID pandemic the activities of the PTA have been limited due to social restrictions. We look forward to working with our PTA members to provide events for our school community in the near future.
The work of the PTA is co-ordinated by a committee. Therse committee members are nominated and elected by the PTA. Our committee members are currently:
Chair - Mr. Neil Anderson and Mr. Nathan Hearn
Treasurer - Vacant
Secretary - Vacant