The curriculum at St Mary’s is rich and diverse and offers our students opportunities to explore, reason, engage and learn about the wider world whilst preparing them for life in modern Britain.
We plan and deliver a values based curriculum to ensure that we are consciously and explicitly teaching British Values alongside our core Christian Values which, as a school centred on faith, are those which shape our character and moral perspective
Each half term (or termly in Summer), we explore a Value that helps us grown and develop as loving Christian people. Each class has a floor book which depicts their learning on that Value. The work can be centred around a story, piece of art, current events or world projects. The children use their time to discuss, explore and understand the value in their world and the world beyond them and how they can live out this value in their lives.
The children bring their class floor books to an assembly and share their learning with their peers and we use social media to share this with the whole school community.
Examples of our Values Work