As a Catholic school we aim to inspire all those in our school community to model themselves in the image and likeness of Christ. Our Mission Statement 'Faith in Education' has been chosen to reflect the journey each individual makes as they grow spiritually and academically during their time with us. Our distinctive Catholic identity enables our children to become confident to articulate what their faith means to them and to respect those who are of different faith backgrounds. We believe that our work with home, parish and community are interlinked through an ongoing journey in learning and faith.
Living out our faith is central to our Catholic life. Everyone in our school community takes part in learning about the social injustices in our world and how they can show care and support to those in need. Children respond to charitable events with remarkable generosity and are often the driving force behind our acts of charity, initiating and planning the fund-raising events for themselves.
Children in Year 4 prepare for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion throughout the school year. Their program of study goes hand in hand with the work done with the catechists in the parish and sits comfortably within the Year 4 RE curriculum.