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St Mary’s Catholic Primary School ‘Faith in Education’

Ofsted Report

Our school had an Ofsted Inspection on March 10th and 11th this year.  When the country went into lock-down in March all Ofsted activity was paused.  They have contacted us to let us know that they will be publishing our report on their website this week.   You can read the full report by looking on the key information tab on our website or by visiting Ofsted's website.


As a result of this inspection Ofsted judged our school to be ‘Good’ saying:


“This is a warm, welcoming and friendly school. Pupils are happy and feel part of the ‘school family’.  Staff know pupils well.  Their care and nurture ensure that pupils are safe and that they thrive.”… “Pupils behave well.  Pupils’ manners are exemplary, they are polite and respectful.”… “Personal development is a particular school strength.”


We are disappointed that we are no longer judged to be an ‘Outstanding’ school. Although we met many of the outstanding criteria across aspects of the new inspection schedule, particularly strongly within the Behaviour and Attitudes and Personal Development strands, we were unable to convince our HMI that we had met enough of them for our judgement to remain outstanding he therefore determined us to be a ‘Good’ school.


We are blessed to have such committed staff, wonderful children and supportive parents and we will continue to work hard to ensure that the actions we take enable us to offer our children the best quality education that we can.




