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St Mary’s Catholic Primary School ‘Faith in Education’

Help us to Save our Planet - Buy a Tree!

The world needs help…

Every year, at least 70 million cars are sold. Cars pollute the air by giving out carbon dioxide (CO2)and this has a very bad effect on our environment and contributes to global warming.

A good solution to this problem is TREES!

Trees take in CO2 and give out oxygen which we then breathe in. Less CO2 and more oxygen in the atmosphere would make the air cleaner and reduce pollution.

Ecomatcher’ is an organisation that is trying to make the world a better place by planting trees in deprived parts of the world – this improves the environment and provides employment as staff are needed to plant and care for the trees as they grow.

We would like to help change the world's climate by planting more trees. To do this we need your support …...

We would like to ask every family in school to buy a tree. Each tree costs £2.50 and you can make your purchase using your Parentmail App. When our trees have been purchased we will receive a link so that we can see our trees and watch them grow and mature. You can find out more about Ecomatcher at

Thank you to Grainne and her friends in Year 6 for suggesting this as a way our school’s families can help to reduce global warming and save the planet.
