Today we completed our CAFOD Big Lent Walk. The Big Lent Walk campaign challenged us to walk 200Km collectively as a school. The children were given a sponsor form and asked to see if family and friends could sponsor them to do the walk. The aim of the walk is to raise money so that CAFOD can continue their work to support people living in poverty.
Earlier this week in assembly we explored the idea of poverty. I asked the children to name countries where poverty might affect families and they suggested Africa, India and South America. They were shocked to hear that 1 in 4 children in the UK live in poverty and that the demand on food banks has increased by 50% in the last year.
Our children have an excellent understanding of why we are doing this walk. They understand that a small gesture from our school community, sharing a little of what we have will make a big difference to our global family.
We are very proud of our efforts Children in EYFS (Nursery and Reception) walked 30Km, children in KS1 Y1 and Y2 walked 96Km and children in KS2 Y3, Y4, Y5 and Y6 walked 480Km bringing our school total to 606Km.
Huge thanks to all the parents and family members who accompanied us on our walk and to all who sponsored the children. We’ll share the total raised via our weekly newsletter.